In all due respect and honesty, the founding fathers of the United States held slaves and practiced genocide against the Native peoples. They did a great job of protecting the rights of themselves as wealthy land and business owners yet very little for the general public. The struggle between the workers and the owners of industry in the late 1800’s and Early 1900’s where the government backed the companies, exemplifies the deficiencies within the founding documents One of the first things the government did was to sell us out to the international private banking cartel of the day, which careful reading of Article 1, Section 8, clauses 3 & 5, Section 9, clauses 7 & 8 among others prove such a private banking charter to be an unconstitutional action . Yes some will argue that Article 1, Section 8, clause 2 allows the government to borrow money from the Federal Reserve but I argue giving private owners a monopoly to a private for profit banking cabal is not withing the realm of the government borrowing money from a private bank. Therefore the whole government has been unconstitutional and criminal from the beginning. A careful study of the wars this derelict de facto government got us involved in will prove the international bankers funded both sides and have also been heavily vested in and being owners of the industry of munitions and weapons manufacture and sale. So now once again, after another decade of continuous war with huge profits unimaginable to the average American our nation is in economic shambles. The stooges this cabal class has selected with their money and their spoils of war to protect their ill gotten gain are put forth as properly elected representatives. In reality the government officials are knowingly selling the majority of Americans down the river; joining the narcissistic greedy self centered lot of criminals they are. There is no process in the constitution for we the people to truly participate and choose how we want to be organized as a nation. Notice I did not say, to be ruled, I said to be organized, big difference.
The two party system in the United States has morphed into a one party system bringing about a government bought and paid for by a minority of people who have monopolized the monetary system, instigated wars to facilitate their profit at the expense of the majority of US citizens. This class of people have exported our nation’s jobs and means of production to increase their profits through the use of the cheapest unregulated labor, in places least hampered by environmental regulations. The international bankers have allowed currency exchange rates to be rigged to favor imports and destroy the US economy. The vast majority of elected officials are in on the take. If we want to save our nation we the people must do it ourselves. Therefore we must demand that a national people’s referendum process be added to our constitution and the whole constitution be considered, edited and re-validated. We the signatories of this referendum hereby demand that a Constitutional Convention be held in accordance with Article 5 of the US Constitution for the purposed described above and any additional purpose that the majority of signatories see fit.
Therefore there is no recourse no redress and no place within the current established system to seek remedy. If one or two or even a dozen band together and physically fight against them, their news media reduced to propaganda networks will surely brand them as lunatic criminals and nobody will know the difference. So what is the solution? The first step is to realize that polls and indicators of national sentiment regularly record over 80% distrust and dissatisfaction with our government. Therefore all we have to do is organize. This does not mean pout and scream, protest or any of that. Even at the start of the Iraq war when nearly a million protesters gathered to express that they opposed our nation going into Iraq. The war mongers, so beyond a reasonable doubt, guilty of war profiteering, crimes against humanity and nation, laughed at the millions knowing they had all the government bought and paid for. What we need to do is demonstrate that we truly have a majority on the side of real change toward a direct participatory democracy, backed by true egalitarian principles, with some of great ideals in the preamble of the constitution, such as life liberty and pursuit of happiness for all, not the few. We will begin by gathering signatures, toward a majority referendum, not a powerless petition. We will start strictly over the internet at first then as we near our goal, volunteers will gather paper signatures and enter them into a mirrored giant We-the-people-rule web site and database they cannot destroy or stop. Please, for your family and friends, for our children’s children, join us and sign, the Referendum to Demand a Constitutional Convention. We hope you also consider signing onto our End the FED Referendum.