Driessen wrote a new post 10 years, 11 months ago
Uncle Sam's Rap Sheet
The definition of ‘rap sheet’: Slang. a record kept by law-enforcement authorities of a person’s arrests and convictions. Most of the facts of the US […]
We won’t be bought with money, we need volunteer writers editors and activists!
We are taught that the founding fathers of this land made us free from being ruled by a king in another land and they are heroes. Nothing could be further from the truth. 47 out of 56 of the signers of the declaration of independence and the US Constitution were slave holders. Every last one of them were land lords and they all agreed and wrote that the Native Peoples were savages and their enemies and the practiced genocide against them. They sold European working class immigrants out to the international bankster cult clan from the get go. These founders never had any intention of including anybody other than their European royally connected white male selves into their club and granting the rights they gave themselves under the constitution. It is over 200 years since we should have had a real revolution where each citizen has the right to participate in a government that offers them national referendum rights, no confidence, recall rights and the ability to vote on the laws and appropriations they are to live under and within. The plan is to organize independently of this de facto government that has no intention of validating the archaic constitution for every citizen rich or poor, to demonstrate a majority that desires an end to such evil overlording the common working class people, to start a new modern participatory democratic constitutional government as the capitalistic greedy pig government falls. Again, we do not need their fiat monopoly money, we need volunteers to educate organize and collect signatures to demonstrate that the majority is ready to correct and modernize, to humanize our collectively organized lives, when each one of us are equally the government. Please help us help yourselves and everyone more equally than ever possible in previous human history. Thank You, Ken Driessen
Peace, Justice and alternative news sites
People’s National Referendum Project
- US Fascism on the Rise February 4, 2023A few months before my 65th birthday I began to get deceptive advertisements from health insurance companies trying to sell me supplemental health insurance. Also I recently found that a private insurance company was involved in distributing medicare … Continue reading →Ken Driessen
- Driessen v WEC et al August 6, 2020STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT SAWYER COUNTY ______________________________________________________________ Ken Driessen (in pro per) … Continue reading →Ken Driessen
- Ken Driessen’s Ballot Access Complaint June 1, 2020
- Here is a PDF of my Nomination Form April 16, 2020Ken’s el_168_nom’paper2020Ken Driessen
- The New West March 2, 2020The New West The business and government leaders of this nation have proven themselves to be morally and financially bankrupt caring only about their wealth and status. Our fake democracy is bought and only those catering to the twisted will … Continue reading →Ken Driessen
- Trump is Paying Back His Russian Oligarch Financiers Right in Front of Your Face! January 28, 2019It should be pointed out that the BOLLARD WALL (Steel Slats) that Trump wants on the Southern Border are manufactured with “AMERICAN STEEL”…. I put American Steel in quotes because the steel comes from a company called EVRAZ that is … Continue reading →Ken Driessen
- Ken Driessen For US Congress WI 7th, Youtube Channel October 31, 2018Ken 4 Congress Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCiTW1C8e05QLTHKwwA8zAAKen Driessen
- Ken Driessen Will be on the Ballot Nov 6th for US Representative in Congress June 18, 2018As the Independent Direct Participatory Democracy Candidate for Wisconsin’s 7th District! Contact email: kendriessen@wethepeoplerule.netKen Driessen
- Affirmation to uphold pledge to Direct Participatory Democracy April 16, 2018The Affirmation below is part of my effort to allow registered voters of Wisconsin’s 7th District to vote on the law and appropriation before the 116th Congress as part of my push for Direct Participatory Democracy (PDP) if I am … Continue reading →Ken Driessen
- The Ten Trillion Dollar Survey March 21, 2018http://newwest.info/limesurvey/index.php/848133?lang=en (click anywhere on the link directly above to take the survey only your answers and your IP address will be recorded, results will be published and updated from time to time at the end of the following essay, thank … Continue reading →Ken Driessen
- US Fascism on the Rise February 4, 2023