The Affirmation below is part of my effort to allow registered voters of Wisconsin’s 7th District to vote on the law and appropriation before the 116th Congress as part of my push for Direct Participatory Democracy (PDP) if I am elected. Right now, the Forum part of the site, is under attack so I can’t open it up to the public, the forum will be private and open only to Wisconsin 7th District voters who sign up to it. I plan to use the forum to allow registered Voters from the District to decide what Resolutions we sign on to and author, how we fill staff positions of the representative office, publishing of what funds are paid into and received from the federal government and many other issues as they become important to us as we become a collective independent seat in the house of Congress:
Oh, and here is a pdf file of the Nomination Paper if you like the idea of Direct Participatory Democracy and want to copy it and collect nomination signatures for Ken: