The New West
The business and government leaders of this nation have proven themselves to be morally and financially bankrupt caring only about their wealth and status. Our fake democracy is bought and only those catering to the twisted will owner investor class whose only interest is maximizing their personal profits are chosen by money to maintain their scheme of collective narcissism like top feeding parasites on the cesspool they created. They have successfully monopolized our means of trade of our goods and services to reduce worker into wage slaves. Monetary reward is not connected to any responsible planning or organizing, nor mental or physical work toward the benefit of individuals or the collective; rather to membership in an unconstitutional noble class that has turned more and more toward disaster capitalism and remaining blindfolded in the crow’s nest on the sinking ship. Our survival not only as a nation but as a species, as a collective life form depending on the natural biosphere of this planet demands a drastic change in our social political organization to save us from demise. The New West is about the battle for the minds and soul of a nation. An unapologetic critique of United States history may lead us to the conclusion that a peaceful well organized revolution of The West is long overdue. This thesis is followed by the vision of a truly democratic form of government that will rise from the ashes, the moral decay of the United States of America, democracy is coming to the USA*, welcome to the New West.
I had taken the “New West” page down for a while, then I recently put it back up in it’s original form while I add new material, finish editing and updating it and making it into an e-book. I think this information needs to be available even if it is not edited and in final form. If you have any ideas or questions you can contact me by email here: